Welcome, introduce yourself!

For starters, lets get to know each other!

Take a second to introduce yourself and share your goals in the comments below. 👇

Just say a few words about who you are, why you're here, and what you hope to accomplish or learn in 2020.

Take a moment to say hello to someone else as well!

Hi friends of the Earth. I'm Sergio, maker of Makerlog.

Josh Manders Author Staff

O hai der fran!


Hey folks!

I'm from Russia but I've been traveling for the last few years (mostly in SEA). I'm working as a software engineer (Rails) for a Dutch company and recently I've started working on my own projects in my spare time.

Currently, I'm working on web service/community for people who want to learn code (or something else) in public and interact with other learners. It will have streaks, to-do's, etc. Essentially it's similar to makerlog but for a different audience and more like learning journal.

So far I only have a simple landing for collecting email: https://getlearningstory.com/ :)

My goal is to launch this project until the end of the year. I'm also planning to quit my job around September/October to start working on my projects full time and try to build a business.

Josh Manders Author Staff

Good luck man! Quitting jobs for full time project work is a huge step!


@joshmanders Thanks and I agree! But I think I'm going the smart way. I have a plan (vague but still) and I have some savings. Will be asking more advice closer to October from people who already done that :)


Hi makers!

I'm Oleg and I build digital products.

In the last decade and a bit I've worked as a freelancer, in digital agencies, even started and closed one (learned a lot!).

Right now I work in genomics sector, help by building tools for clinical scientists.

I consider myself to be a full-stack dev - worked on the backend, frontend, mobile apps, infrastructure, UX.

My current toolset: Python, Django, Typescript, React, Docker, and many smaller bits in between to glue and deliver these together.

Also, in parallel, I build side projects, mainly for two reasons - building something for myself, and building something to make additional income.

My goals for 2020 are - launch 1-2 products that would generate income; improve marketing and sales skills, which is required for the first goal; and improve my biology knowledge.

Follow me on Twitter @gerlv, and I blog sometimes.

Josh Manders Author Staff

Hi Oleg!

James Kenny

Hey Everyone!

I'm based in Ireland a recovering nomad, maker of things and of coffee, I do like my coffee and photography.

2020 goals are to build and ship and repeat, I have a few projects moving forward at the moment and aiming to have live in the next few months and then get some users before the end of the year

Contentr Is my content marketing tool I launched the V1 late last year, I learned a few things from it and I've been working on some really cool upgrades to it.

Audience Will be an email marketing platform that sits on top of the mail service you want to use or currently use, mailgun, AWS SES or Sendgrid, it will let you send as many emails as you want and make it easy to connect with your audience. I also plan to integrate with Contentr so both apps work together.

Photography, I'm working on getting a new photography site up and running. I've spent some time playing around with the idea of building a website builder for photographers. The goal for 2020 is to get my new site up and running to show case my photography and build a portfolio.

Find me here! or on twitter my blog or my instagram

Josh Manders Author Staff




Hi, makers and humans in the Universe!

Haven't been logged in for a long time. But trying a new streak again as a way to be more productive. I am a full stack developer focusing on Javascript. I have launched or co-launched a lot of SaaS services and Startups over the years. At the moment I am rebranding a SaaS that I have co-founded with my brother #apivis.

I hope to be able to build a SaaS that are useful for people with no programming, networking, or SyOps knowledge. I know there are a lot of people that don't have all of these skills but still want to connect their IoT hardware or automate things and wire up Google sheets with their website or Shopify with a CRM without deep knowledge about it all.

To help people with this I have built a SaaS that is a service that sets up your own server in the cloud fully configured with a Node-RED dashboard and an OAuth Github login client.

We also write a lot about Node-RED, builds useful flows and curate flows so they are easy to use. To further help, my brother has built an AI bot that answers questions and also shows flow examples.

Josh Manders Author Staff

Haven't been logged in for a long time

Welcome back, Göran!


@joshmanders Thanks!

Shun Pandey 🐸

Hey guys.

I'm Anshul from Bangkok. I'm here to learn from fellow makers and hopefully be of some help to other makers.

I'm working on PairColors, an app to test color palettes for your landing page.

I've built Pairfonts, an app to pair google fonts.

I've also recently release a scaffolding package on npm, Jengen

My goal for 2020 is to release a decent fitness based iOS app.

Josh Manders Author Staff

I'm here to learn from fellow makers and hopefully be of some help to other makers.

Welcome to Thunderdome!

Pradip Khakhar

Hey everyone,

I'm based in NYC and a fan of Football (European) and Cricket.

Wow, 2020 goals have changed. Initially, I organized an in-person conference called Product Impact 2020 which got canceled due to COVID.

Updated 2020 goals include creating content for junior to mid-level product managers and founders about all things product.

The Product Angle is my main website where I am trying to create content.

I also host live chats with other product managers and founders, on The Product Angle Show.

Have plans to create a free course on how to get started in product management as well as a live interactive course on improving negotiation skills.


Hey Pradip!

What European league are you watching? I've been supporting Chelsea FC for the last 10 yeast. I'm a big fan of English football in general.

Shun Pandey 🐸

@dpashutskii Dude did you watch the fa cup semi-final last against utd. I like our chances against Arsenal. Hopefully we get Top 4 too. Would be an awesome first year for Lampard.


@goodguyshun haha, you're Blues fan? What are the odds, man!

Yeah, I watched this morning, awesome! I'm sure we stick to top3 :) Looking forward to Arsenal and Liverpool games. Liverpool has nothing to win/lose already :D

Shun Pandey 🐸

@dpashutskii Top 3 would be a dream. Would be great if we beat Liverpool at Anfield, they've not lost all season at home. I'm strangely optimistic against Liverpool but we might loose point to Wolves.

Pradip Khakhar

@dpashutskii Been a fan of spurs since the 8th grade. Chelsea looking good as they head into the FA cup final.


@goodguyshun Aaaaand we lost xD

I'm still happy with 4th place anyway. It's been a weird season but I enjoyed it so much. It's so amazing to finally see the young players with their passion and love for the game. Also, the manager is perfect because I started watching Chelsea when Lampart was the best, it's so nostalgic.


@pradipcloud Great! I am sure Spurs will back in top 4 next season!

Pradip Khakhar

@dpashutskii Fingers crossed 😉


Hi! My name is Maciej, I am a freelance Full-Stack Developer (Django + Vue.js). I am here because I want to finally launch one of my side projects, not leave them half done like I did so many times before. Hoping by building in public I will stay accountable to myself!

Josh Manders Author Staff

Welcome @MaciejJanowski! Makerlog is a good place to stay accountable!

Carlos Villaumbrosia

Hi! I’m Carlos!

It’s been a while since I was last in Makerlog. But I’m back and ready to share and learn from my fellow makers!

I’ve been building digital products in the US, Europe, and Latin America for the past 10 years, and a few years ago I founded Product School. Today I’m proud to say that we are the global leaders in product management training with 20 campuses worldwide and a live online campus.

I also have a passion for writing! I published The Product Book a few years back and enjoy looking for ways to keep pushing the product community forward.

You can also find me here! I’d be happy to connect via Linkedin or TW.


Welcome back, famski!


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