Satya N Murthy Kalluri

Founder & CEO : KlapzClub

Modify ThirdPartyContent schema to accommodate YouTubeVideo & InstgramPost

As of now, it is only YouTube videos that are expected to be klapped by users and saved in ThirdPartyContent. Now with Instagram Instagram integration, we expect users to Klap/pay for the Instagram content as well. So, this schema has to me modified to accommodate both. Or, possibly make it generic to save time for future integrations.

Integrate cursor/pagination aspect of Instagram's /me/media API

The pagination included a While-loop. I have assumed it would function like ForEach that would require a Promise.all. To my learning today, it works normal, we don't need a Promise.all.

Implement API-validations to recommend user to update the app, if there is a newer version available in PlayStore/AppleStore

Instead of an additional API to check the app-version, all APIs are now expected to receive appType (iOS/Android) and app-version in the request PayLoad. If it is an older version, the API isn't processed but throws an error. Else, API is processed.

Saved the app from making additional/trivial APIs.

Track the number of views a YouTube video had got from Klapz app

YouTubers would like to know, how many views have a specific video from their channel has got from the KlapzApp's Feed (Cream of the Internet).

Implement Plausble analytics on HomePage

We have good activity on Twitter, but now clue how is that converting into page visits. So, let us implement

Modify User DB-schema to accommodate Mobile, Google & Instagram logins

The current schema validates either the mobile-number of Email-address. With this funny Instagram OAuth login, the /me gives neither email nor the mobile number. So, had to modify the schema to keep it sane :)

Integrate Instagram Login

Letting Instagram creators connect to Klapz platform
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