Basile Samel
writing/making/coding shokunin
analytics - display top keywords
analytics - create API endpoint to read stats from files
analytics - create API endpoint to static-generate stats files
write "The Flood"
keep reading Everybody Writes
settings page - a user can change his profile picture
take picture for IG post
write The Writing Desk ""
article page - a user can tweet an article portion by clicking on the toolbar
keep reading Everybody Writes
article page - implement read-only text editor (can use toolbar to comment/tweet portions of text but can't change the text)
make python script to have my keyboard play piano notes / blaster pew pew sounds on key press
isomorphic profile page - implement mirror component with React
write "Meditation by Lake Geneva"
keep reading everybody writes
profile page - display collections like IG
write "Shaving My Hair"
profile page - work on header design
write "Instagram Challenge"
dashboard - a user can search texts by content