Basile Samel
writing/making/coding shokunin
visited rice fields, chopsticks factory, slept in the bus, ate a lot, drank beer and weird local alcohol
write "Mai Chau, North Vietnam"
move to Mai Chau, North Vietnam (I'm in f* heaven)
CMS page - lazy-loading on scroll
write "Meaning of Life"
CMS page - add confirmation modal on delete
write "How to Create the Next Tolstoï at Scale":
CMS page - text dropdown menu to edit/delete
write "What do I do with all this content?"
write Part 1 "Notes on "Natural Language Toolkit" - Chapter 2: Accessing Text Corpora and Lexical Resources"
chat feature - dynamic form height (contenteditable expands toward the top as it behaves in Slack)
chat feature - send message to channel over websocket
chat feature - retrieve channels the user is member of
write "Moving off Slack"
giving up on the Slack client (RTM API's rate is too low), rolling out my own websocket server
chat feature - optimize DB/API queries by reducing the number of requests
write Part 4 - differentiating Slack's APIs and retrieving your list of channels
CMS page - Draft/Scheduled/Published tabs
CMS page - refactor the controller
CMS page - add API endpoint to lazy-load texts
bug fix - fix navbar breakpoint at 1200
write Part 3 - Managing and authenticating users in your Slack client