chat feature - register 200WaD Slack app
create cronjob to restart node server automatically
write "Community-First"
rethink the color palette
move to Netlify
bug fix - notification counter breaks the UI
bug fix - Fellowship tabs not working
release new Fellowship page
write "Fuel for Imagination"
fix avatar in navbar
implement new navbar in Twig and vanilla javascript
patronage page
add dummy nodejs server to render React components from Symfony
install nodejs on A2hosting
write "Hanoï Daily Routine"
fellowship page - server-side members rendering
server-side rendering of the new react navbar
learning - install react server-side rendering sandbox
Oof. Well, try playing around with nextjs sometime soon. it's super fun and comfortable to use. :)
I do, but the paradigm is really different. It's incredibly powerful for back-end logic. It's more of a strategic choice, I don't think Javascript is going anywhere soon and that's where all the leading technologies come from. Developing a full-stack javascript expertise will definitely come in handy in the future. I can still use Symfony to create and host micro-services on my own servers, but I need to learn new things when it's for the sustainability of your own business. Server-side rendering in Symfony is based on either PHPExecJS or Node.js for example, it just adds operational complexity and feels a bit dirty.