Basile Samel
writing/making/coding shokunin
finish React.js' tutorial
chat feature - enable React.js
chat feature - get list of connected users from back-end
bug fix - can't enable markdown editor because of empty color field
admin back-end - implement service layer
database - implement CMS ORM
security - configure admin area
write "Building a House"
chat feature - prevent user from using several sockets (one tab only)
functions to add/remove users to the table of connected users
chat feature - add connected_users field in Channel entity
write "Entrepreneurship and the roller coaster life"
text editor - remove media blocks
write notes on Natural Language Toolkit with Python chapter 1
remove code from word count
add controller route for database backup + cronjob
write "Releasing a markdown editor tomorrow"
integrate markdown editor
add enable_markdown field
start reading NLTK chapter 1
bug fix - duplicate notifications on update
write "Meta-skill"
bug fix - scheduled post not posted
profile page - one-column layout