Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.
:bug: make sure the sever taking the entire time period between the dates
:bug: selecting end of the day in the date range rather than the start
Pushed 12 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bug: fix timezone issues with the date range
send update newsletter email to users
Pushed 2 changes to chartbrew-cloud
turned off all tracking for the emails
:zap: corrected some asset optimisation
fixed the landing page responsiveness on mobile - new footer section
Pushed 19 changes to chartbrew-cloud
Milestone: get more than 50 ⭐️ on Github
posted the design update on IH
new patch out with some important fixes
Pushed 12 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bookmark: bumped the version to 1.0.0-beta.9.1
:bug: fix issue with the bar chart not rendering timeseries data
:bug: making sure the dates don't overwrite each other when the years are different
:rotating_light: fixed linter errors
:bug: fixed issue with the headers not saving on connection creation
:wrench: added the fomantic theme configuration file back to the project
:arrow_up: updated minor versions of server packages
:arrow_up: upgraded client dependencies and semantic
:bookmark: bumped the version to 1.0.0-beta.9.1