The official pre-launch of Telescope

Ok, guys, it's time.

I started working on Telescope product in March, and today is THE DAY. I am ready excited to launch it, but it's going to be a pre-launch only for my dear community members (you!), IndieHackers visitors and friends. The official launch is going to be on Monday.

What is it about?

Well, Telescope is a publishing and distributing platform. It offers a beautiful and minimal text editor, it's completely anonymous by default (you can access your account via a seed phrase, and it's very similar to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies โ€” even the seed phrase is encrypted and generated using the Bitcoin BIP39 standard), several cool distribution options (like Telegram and RSS), and fast and nice-looking content pages.

It's my precious product, nobody else was involved in the development, design, marketing, etc, and the process of development was covered here from the beginning:

There are several sample blogs created with Telescope: 1) 2) 3)

And you can now create your own! I would also be happy to hear your reviews and thoughts before the official ProductHunt launch on Monday. And thanks a lot for all your support!


I like the name.

What kind of customizations are allowed? I saw different fonts, so I suppose that you can them. What else? maybe, you should make a list of all the options.

As far as I understand, it is not possible to publish on a custom domain, right?

Good luck with your launch :D

Alexander Author

Different fonts and color schemes.

Regarding the domain: not allowed yet, but this feature is planned and will be implemented soon.


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