How do you recharge your creativity ?

I don't think anyone has ever perfected creative process. But when you are creating something creativity is important.

As makers we’re all different and have different practises to recharge our creative batteries. Many pick their non-working hours to work on their creative side. For others it is different.

Just wanted to know if you have devised a path for your creativeness ?

Basile Samel

Creativity doesn't deplete. The more you use it, the more it grows. People who lack creativity just don't create enough.

Fabio Rosado

I would say that creativity can deplete. But there are various reasons for this to happen. You could be tired and your brain can't dip into this side, you could be too focus on one particular thing and that might be stopping you from dipping into your creativity side.

One thing that helped me when I feel that I can't put things out there, is to do other activities that allows your brain to roam freely - the gym, playing a game, reading.

Sometimes you just need to give your brain some space

Anurag Kumar Author

resting your mind from the daily routine does help.

Fabio Rosado

@anurag619 I've noticed that after working non-stop since january I was pretty tired and used to get annoyed just because I was tired, my creativity was pretty crap as well so yeah maybe you are just tired. Take care of yourself and it will go back to normal

Anurag Kumar Author

@fabiorosado yes, taking a break from everything.


I don't know if you can "charge" creativity. A lack of creativity is mostly due to the fact that you do nothing or always the same thing ever and ever again. Creativity usually comes when you try / do new things.

So I'd say activating creativity rather than charging it.

When you look at musicians, you often find that bands reinvent themselves and try to incorporate new elements into new albums. Also with artists, many take other objects, tools or materials. The reason for this is, creativity is activated and your brain isn't stuck.

I personally play guitar, go out with my family, do handicrafts and like to build. I am often only tired :D :D :D that's more my obstacle :P

Anurag Kumar Author

yea, this is the kind of answer I was looking for. Very well written.


@anurag619 you are welcome. :-)

oh a little tip by the way, if you're good with kids. spend time with them. their thought processes are not yet as fixed as those of us adults. don't just dismiss these thoughts as cheap stuff. the fantasy and the thinking goes in a completely different direction than from us.

through these other perspectives you may also find creative ideas. ;-)

Anurag Kumar Author

@dehenne 😂 I have heard this first time but yes is true.


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