How to land part time remote job?

I am looking for a part time remote job as full stack developer. I want to know what do companies look for in "remote" developers and are part time roles easy to find? Is here anyone who is doing remote work and can share some tips to groom resume or skills to target a good remote job?

Abby Williams-Falk

Commenting mostly because no one else has… Maybe it will encourage discussion.

Do you have past remote work you can point to? Have you had in person full stack developer work?

I suspect that if this would be your first remote job, you're most likely to get it either by working in person first, then transitioning after trust is built, or getting the job based on having contacts at the company you want to work with who will vouch for you.


@wassim builds a portal for this. (


@randlocher Thanks for the mention. While I was building the bots that crawl remote jobs from various source I noticed that most of available remote positions are full-time. I don’t know if this proves something.

I’m working to crawl part-time and freelance positions as well as adding filters on #remoteslot so anyone can easily find what he is looking for.

I will also try to add an insights/stats page that shows correlations between remote jobs/companies/position types once I have enough data.

My advice is to keep checking other remote jobs and build a reputation on gig sites like Toptal, Malt, Upwork etc.

Happy hunting!


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