What are your favorite tips/tricks/tools for SEO or Keyword Research?
I'll go first. This are some of the notes I've collected.
Ferruccio's Blog "Everything I've learned in 10 years of blogging" - https://ferrucc.io/posts/starting-a-blog/
The Simple Guide to Content Driven SEO - https://wpcurve.com/the-simple-guide-to-content-driven-seo/
- Create lots of content
- Basic keyword research
- Craft a shit hot post
- Do basic on page SEO
- Build your social presence
How founders can write a quality blog post in 1 hour (Baremetrics) - https://baremetrics.com/blog/founder-writing
Promote Your Article Like A Product" by Matt Lo - https://200wordsaday.com/words/promote-your-article-like-a-product-10405c1ae653950a0
A key strategy in it -
1 idea should yield 3 articles. First, two should ignite conversations. The third article is your high quality, highly relevant content
What I've learned about writing viral blog posts for the tech community by Kapwing - https://www.kapwing.com/blog/what-ive-learned-about-writing-viral-blog-posts-for-the-tech-community/
Press Stunts by Kapwing - https://www.kapwing.com/blog/press-stunts/
Pump out daily content like Flavio Copes - https://twitter.com/flaviocopes/status/1079758318904709121
Growth Hack List by Tobias Hikari - https://growthhacklist.com/methods/crosspost
I launched a product that received media attention — here's what I learned by Corey Gwin - https://blurt.app/@coreygwin/i-launched-a-product-that-received-media-attention-heres-what-i-learned/5b5623b51130c000f508887d
Baclinko Blog is Gold - https://backlinko.com
Jordan O'Connor has some great tips about SAAS - https://jmo.fyi/blog/
Neil Patel's Uber Suggest - http://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest
Google Keyword Planner - https://ads.google.com/intl/en_in/home/tools/keyword-planner/
SEOQuake - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/seoquake/akdgnmcogleenhbclghghlkkdndkjdjc?hl=en
SEO Minion - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/seo-minion/giihipjfimkajhlcilipnjeohabimjhi?hl=en
Keywords Everywhere - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keywords-everywhere-keywo/hbapdpeemoojbophdfndmlgdhppljgmp?hl=en
What are your tricks/tips/tools you've found helpful?
What do you use for keyword research? I hear most people go after Google's keyword tool.
Edited the post. I just found out again about Google's Keyword tool & Neil Patel's Uber Suggest. So I'll keep editing the post if I find anything new & eventually write a blog out of it :)
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