Looking for feedback on a side project
I've been working on an app to help me pair google fonts. Looking for opinions and feedback from other makers.
Pairfonts: https://pairfonts.com
Edit: Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll be working on an on-boarding and making changes to the UI with the goal of making it clearer what pairfonts is and what it does.
Pretty useful tool but some fonts are not working for me. i would like to see some font compilations, what kinds of fonts pairing well together.
How about giving a 'Refresh' or 'Randomize' button so that users could go around looking for options instead of refreshing the page on browser? Also maybe for future - Save your font selection in a profile for users to compare it visually later. Like what we have in https://coolors.co for color schemes.
To me, the app itself isn't "self-explaining". Some small introduction text a "cleaner" UI (maybe try less colors, more accents/shades?) would help IMO.
Besides that, a nice idea!
I agree with Alexander's feedback - I couldn't immediately tell what I needed to do, and spent a solid minute just staring at it ๐after I figured it out though, it was quite cool!
I agree with Ricard and Hashdot it would be cool if it provided some nice pairing recommendations. Something like https://coolors.co/ but for fonts would be pretty neat.
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