Welcome new Makerloggers!
There's been an influx of quite a few new loggers. Welcome home! Here's a few great resources to aid you on your journey in the maker world :)
- Makerlog Twitter - We love sharing your achievements and seeing your progress! Follow for a daily feed of inspiration. 💪
- Telegram Chat - your one stop shop for friendliness and maker help! Ask questions, share your achievements, and log from the groupchat. 🎉
- Makerlog Integrations - Makerlog works with a bunch of apps and has an open API. Feel free to make your workflow unique! 🎧
- Cowork - Have a secret project, team log, or just want your own private space? Cowork is your own, private Makerlog. 🔥
Feel free to post any other resources for new users below!