How can makers help with the climate emergency?
Hi guys, I'm working on a blog post for and was wondering if anyone would like to be featured? If you do please reply with an answer to this question. Thanks! 😀
Is there a problem related to the climate emergency that makers are well-positioned to help to solve with software?
I'm working on a rather indirect way to help. I'm looking to crowdsource research and experiences in the form of case studies with
You can feature our fixathon submission if you like - the garment industry is a huge monster that is consuming the world environmentally (never mind the horrors it inflicts from a labour and standards of living perspective).
There's a lot of initiatives out there working on international agreements between different governments and corporations, but little that consumers can do today on their own.
There's lots of simple truths that most consumers are not aware of – for instance, did you know that one t-shirt takes 2700 litres of water to produce? That's 1 shirt!
Our app aims to educate + encourage consumers to wear clothes more often.
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