How to integrate/embed slack chat or other chat platform to website?
Hey, trying to find out how to integrate slack on my project so ppl can see chat discussions live on site (kind of like nomadlist) - any ideas? Or other solutions?
You could use the slack api and do a few things. If you just want to see the live chat happening, you can do something like, every x seconds call the api and get latest messages from x channel then show those messages on the website.
You coul also allow users to send messages to that specific slack channel if you wish so by calling the api again.
I'm in the middle of moving off from Slack to build my own chat for 200WaD. There is no integration per see, as in "embed chat". You can do two things: create an API and do AJAX polling, or use web sockets. I decided to choose the latter since it's much cleaner. The former is kinda dirty and doesn't work in real-time, but it can be good enough since it worked for Nomadlist :)
nevermind, you can actually use Slack's API to create a Slack client in your website that looks like a widget. It's a bit tricky to deal with two users base, but it works.
Thanks for the answers so far! Did anyone try out
I'm not going to say that I tried it fully because I just used to built a connector for opsdroid, but it does look good.
Do you have any questions about it? Maybe I can help out. Also, if you are looking into other chat services, have a look at - it's a bit confusing at first but seems a cool service
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