What is the single biggest green flag during a job interview?
Since I have been on both sides of the interview table, and since most of the responses are with regards to green flags from the vantage point of the interviewee, I will use this as my soapbox to highlight the green flags I plant when I am interviewing a potential new colleague.
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Interviewees who are able to demonstrate impactful value will always pique my interest. This generally happens when they come in with A) great attitude, B) a portfolio that quantifiably measures the impact they’ve had on previous work, and C) a propensity for collaboration. Once I have in my mind that the candidate is a good fit for our team, several things invariably happen:
I begin to describe the benefits of joining the team (as Sean Kernan artfully described already). Not just my tone, but my pitch changes as well. Excitement will often cause interviewers to speak faster, more openly, and at a (slightly) higher octave. The interview will turn more into a conversation rather than an inquiry looking for specifics. If I am displaying these behaviors, you can be sure that a green flag is marked by your name.
Also, as some people have noted, a green flag does not guarantee you’ll get the job. Extenuating circumstances always have the possibility of arising, so tempering excitement is always good in practice.
For those of you who are looking to make positive impressions during interviews (especially with regards to Product Management), I’d highly suggest watching one of our special guest events with Gayle McDowell, author of “Cracking The PM Interview”. Her talk is packed with actionable insights and can help anyone who is looking to get a step ahead when preparing for an important interview.
Always remember to maintain a positive attitude! Being optimistic and confident can go a long way.