How do you foster Honest Constructive Team Feedback
Trying to figure out a new thing on how to build better teams - starting from self-evaluation. A better way to evaluate "what happened" after a project and for team people to speak freely and also to try to improve on their own efforts.
I'm a bit afraid that some team members (myself included) would be critical only on others. So - requirement 1: for very criticism you give on someone else, find a critical point that can be directed towards yourself for improvement.
I'm also trying to figure out other focus points/requirements.
I believe part of it is a learned skill on learning to offer suggestions, versus actually telling people what to do. If you are doing a code review for example, phrasing a fix as "would this look better using a ternary?" makes it so that you're not attacking the person's code but simply asking a question on improvements.
The other part of it is team culture. Are the team members friendly with each other in not just a professional "I am required to" way? If you're able to laugh at each others' weaknesses, share memes without worry of being inappropriate, etc. then it becomes a lot easier to offer constructive feedback.
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