Chris Zioutas
You gotta risk it to get the biscuit
another day another dollar
New Track of the day (also for yesterday)
rework logic of to include 3rd party hosting
Did further reading in DDD software architecture
forgot to press submit yesterday ...
New Track of the day
Social experiment on: reply to people in a passively positive way
first constant source of movies for
get new licence plates for scooter
New Track of the day for 03 and 04
Managed to write the intro paragraph to "Do not stop, the grass is not as green as it seems on the other side." for MakerMag
what a day.. but hey "New Track of the Day" on
Got delayed to a meeting because Ubhans were full and had to skip 2
Tried to solve some algorithms to improve my skills and got 7%
Go stood up in a professional meeting (guess not so professional)
First design for our shop is here 🥰
Setting draft for first video about