Drupal 8
Making a Drupal website to learn Drupal 8.
Handling saving files programmatically and save files permanently in the system private folder.
Create new project to help me automate writing usual work reports MHMD.
Fix overridden features and alter workflow hardcoded state ID to use the correct state IDs by state name.
Alter image field widget and making image alt field as pre-defined select list.
Install minimal profile and setup my basic modules then exporting it as a config for my future installations.
Rendering mobile field programmatically with country as a select list.
Implement hook requirement to check and show notice if there are no terms in types vocabulary.
Configure my site to use Memcache as a dynamic cache.
Change node workflow state programmatically and set a default transition comment.
Automating the import of translated phrases in the module install process.
Implement flood control on a custom form using a custom flood event name.
Allow users to add unlimited fields in a custom form using Form API AJAX.
Manage field states using FORM API state property and apply conditional fields programmatically.
Testing web push notification to notify subscribers about new content.
Create multisite for my content websites to make it easy to update them all from same git repository.
Adding custom fields for location field with GMap configuration to save building number and postal code suffix.
Create multiple paragraph type to serve many purposes of content.
Trying to enhance my recent log messages page by using trying some watchdog/log contrib modules to show advanced filters for messages.
Create page browsable by a hash in URL for QR Code for each node.
Create queue to process invoice creation managed by Ultimate Cron.
Trying to generate PDF file for each node, and trying some contrib modules like entity_pdf and trying to tune the TWIG template of PDF file.
Enhance my endpoint to accept API ket and token in request header.
Create new endpoint to response with the system status if it is working properly for healthcheck.
Trying some options of autosave contrib modules.
Start user session programmatically using custom form submission.