Drupal 8
Making a Drupal website to learn Drupal 8.
Create new mock data for integration services using separate method.
Enhance my integration classes and create abstract class for sub integration class.
Update SAAD installation profile content types to hide some labels and allow for file description field.
Add some custom translations for custom installation profile.
Reviewing the RTL and deep dive into the URL parts in RTL/LTR fields for community issue number 2336569.
Enhance my integration service to consume JSON endpoints.
Write SQL query and export Drupal custom schema on Metabase.
Add custom logs for SMS messages using the schema of the contrib module Events log track.
Enahncing the queue item processing and adding some helper logs to give a detailed view of processed queue items.
Ignore logging specific error logs to cleanup the DB log list.
Playing with Drupal Migrate API and using YAML files as a migrate source.
Review old project and install diff module and fixing features differences.
Extending a custom form and adding some custom fields in a new route.
Trying wkhtmltopdf and exploring Puppeteer to generate PDF files.
Customizing queues timeout and job lock timeout. And having a look into queues configurations.
Altering Logger and ignore some messages depends on severity.
Review Drupal 7 & 8 ERD and trying some ERD contrib modules.
Installing and trying GovCMS8 on my Manjaro machine.
Installing and trying Opigno LMS distribution.
Create trait for my integration classes to reuse trait methods as helpers.
Configure website to send email when getting new comments that needs approval.
Adding and configuring Map field using the Leaflet JS library.
Showing view results depend on current user's birthday to show relative results for each user.
Review site indexing and wipe the index and configure Drupal search.
Testing Healthcheck contrib module and defining a new healthcheck plugin.