
Drupal 8

Making a Drupal website to learn Drupal 8.

Creating custom block and custom template for this block and show list of taxonomy terms with icons for each term.

Trying Audit Files and File Checker contrib modules and removing some non-used files.

Override DbLog class and ignore some logs depend on custom conditions.

Automating importing locale phrases and create custom Lando tooling command to check and import locale phrases.

Installing the contrib module Configuration Split and configure it to split local configurations.

Overriding OG roles and permissions for the same group and allowing custom permissions per node.

Trying Aggregate core module and show aggregated contents using view.

Trying views_json_source contrib module and create View while source is JSON URL.

Installing and configuring Organic Groups and adding Department content type as a Group.

Setup cronjob every minute and trying Ultimate Cron contrib module.

Integrate simple PHP Excel reader package to read and import excel file into Drupal custom table using batch process.

Update from 8.7 to 8.9 and apply form validation patch using composer.

Implements hook_schema to create new custom DB table and integrate it with views.

Expose view filters and enable AJAX to refresh the view data without refresh the whole page.

Making the files served by Drupal and managing files access dynamically by Drupal permissions.

Restrict multi-language to a specific roles and enhance the display fields with field_group contrib module.

Create new entity reference field using the contrib (Entity Reference Revisions) to save the targeted revision instead of saving just reference.

Trying some contrib modules and configure Drupal to fight spammers.

Define new hook_cron and trying Ultimate cron contrib module with Drupal 8.

Creating my custom composer file optimized for Drupal ^8.8 with my preferred contrib modules.

Writing a naming convention policy for content-type/fields and trying naming contrib module.