
Drupal 8

Making a Drupal website to learn Drupal 8.

Create new AJAX callback and sending HTML AJAX commands depend on select list value change.

Creating sub theme based on bootstrap and prepare it with my common theme changes.

Create new page view with block display showing more results link.

Exporting menu setting in configuration and make sure all links are expanded.

Create custom route alias as a short internal path to show my custom PDF page.

Render PDF file using output from Twig file to show user inputs in custom designed PDF page.

Create multistep form using same route and form state as store for form values between steps.

Create new gateway for SMS framework using a private SMS gateway.

Create script to list all duplicates nodes from a specific content type in a special relation case where it supposed to be only one related node.

Create form with hash in URL to be sent to specific users to get their confirmation without authentication.

Install new subsite as a git submodule and configure sites settings.

Create paragraph field inside another paragraph field and save it programmatically.

Digest node details in one new DB table as metadata to make it easy for Metabase to pull statistics.

Create new view to aggregate results with exposed filter to show related nodes.

Enhance auto-deploy command to show detailed output if there is git conflict.

Refactor multistep form class and move common validation callbacks to the form base class.

Prevent access to .theme, .yml and .twig files from the browser on NGINX.