
Drupal 8

Making a Drupal website to learn Drupal 8.

Create custom drush command to switch the environment from test to production.

Making sure all project files tracked in Git or ignored in the ignore list and keeping the git status always clean.

Adding queue item in each workflow transition to recalculate index of statistics.

Enhance integration to allow for internal/external settings for integration connection.

Convert production views to feature and deploy it again to production.

Read all phone fields in Drupal site and export mobile phones as Excel file.

Connect Drupal to Redash and write some SQL to show dashboard of main content statistics.

Applying patch of filefield_paths module to prevent update uploaded files.

Create AJAX fields to update the list of options on sub fields on the same form.

Create a dynamic array of fields to show values only if has values greater than 0.

Install and configure Mass contact module and send an email for all Drupal users.

Altering workflow transition if a specific field has a specific relation with terms.

Prepare a custom translation file as a starting point for my projects.

Create new custom script to show all missing files related to users with the time frame of upload time of each file.