Email for Designers
Pushed 5 changes to LetterVulcan
remove highlight when click off canvas
Pushed 2 changes to LetterVulcan
unbind dom inspector when components unmount
Pushed 3 changes to LetterVulcan
Pushed 3 changes to LetterVulcan
Pushed 1 change to LetterVulcan
Pushed 1 change to LetterVulcan
get canvas editor saving working in vulcan
Pushed 2 changes to LetterVulcan
add canvas actions and reducers back into vulcan
add icons and drag handlers positioned to the side
add transition animation default for reordiring
reordering working in graphql
Pushed 5 changes to LetterVulcan
replace first redux function from firebase to vulcan
get redux working in vulcan https://www.notion.so/Redux-for-Vulcan-b21807a78b574bee8bb6e93360165c2d
Pushed 2 changes to LetterVulcan
restructure vulcan app to resemble old one
Pushed 293 changes to LetterVulcan
get scss working in vulcan