Implement "stop generating"
Implement streaming of responses
Implement plan upgrade/downgrade backend logic
Implemented usage tracking, overage and overage billing
for neatflowai
Done yesterday.
Done yesterday.
Implement subscription cancelation
Done yesterday
Landing page, email auth, google auth and account wall using nextjs middleware
Done yesterday🤧.
Ibrahim Isa Jajere
Seems obvious but I was really stuck for like 2 days until I had a light bulb moment: The Customer Lifecycle. Apparently, I need to create those "auxiliary" pages aside from my main app to complete the flow of everything.
NeatFlowAI: Implement chat pinning 📌
NeatFlow AI: Add session feature
NeatFlow AI: Implement archiving of chats functionality and chats ordering
NeatFlow AI: Display message time
NeatFlow AI: Implement markdown rendering
Used react-markdown with `remark-gfm` and `react-syntax-highlighter`plugins. Had to add custom code for showing code language and code copying.
NeatFlowAI: Add chat forking
NeatFlowAI: Add editing of response📝
NeatFlow AI: Add response regeneration 🔄
NeatFlow AI: Implement editing of query
Done yesterday actually 🤪
NeatFlow AI: Implement tag filtering
NeatFlowAI: Add changing of chat tags functionality
neatflow: Add CRUD end to end for tags
Add moving of folder and adding chat to folder for neatflow
Folder deletion functionality for neatflow
Folders WIP (remaining deletion) #neatflow
chat (branching + context) + api done at a utility level #neatflow
Chat's folder and tags UI
Just need to add tag overflow
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