John Koo
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
apply pinia to tag management
remove pinia-plugin-persistedstate & implement localforage
why pinia-plugin-persistedstate not working in my chrom extension? very odd..
remove vuex from the currrent project
Implementing pinia-plugin-persistedstate
implement pinia for state management
build tag CRUD on vuejs components
implement headlessui to my current project
add modal to tag management
plan out my first blog / newsletter
implement tailwind to rest of the app
add dm feature on infobox
review schedule for nextweek dev
implement CRUD to tag detail page
research & implement tailwindcss
revise backend api endpoints
design data retrival process using both vuex and indexeddb
implement route to sidebar
implement vuex and db sync process
create design mockup for sidebar with Figma
add basic CRUD functions to sidebar
update sidebar design for tags
continue implmenting tag system
add tag managment flow to sidebar