John Koo
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
add open link feature to my extension
review code and test v0.1.2
submit revised chrome extension for google webstore review
take memos from youtube, IG, blogs, newsletters
debug and remove unused functions
Got a rejection from Google Webstore. Analyze what happened
try vite and make a vuejs + chrome extension base code
try to implement typescript in my project
set responsive css to landing page
update CTA buttons on the landing page
revise FAQ section in landing page
Create image assets for new landing page design
Review new articles on PH, IH, Reddit, etc.
Apply delayed request for twitter data
implement vuex-persistedstate library to my project
implement vuex to popup sequences
implement userArray in vuex and modify functions accordingly
implement vuex to my project and test communication between components
connect vueapp button action triggers with other parts of the app
fixed memory management code of vue app instances