Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Updated 301 redirect site on personal domain to latest meta tags and code, in case it matters for SEO #profilepictureapp

Day 1383 - Tailwind convert - https://golifelog.com/posts/tailwind-convert-1728862659432 #lifelog

Day 1382 - Meme generator - https://golifelog.com/posts/meme-generator-1728784645630 #lifelog

Added robots.txt, sitemap.xml, media assets to be on root domain, updated meta tags, og images, favicon #profilepictureapp

🍟 Side Project Weekend: Added global loader in default layout. Add loader in notifications page, fixed inaccurate loading message. #lifelog

Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today - I'm back - https://jasonleow.substack.com/p/im-back #indiejourney

Day 1381 - Letting others down - https://golifelog.com/posts/letting-others-down-1728690306909 #lifelog

Style fixes for + - and choose file buttons, fixed column height and width to stop jumpy UI - https://profilepicture.app #profilepictureapp

[Postdated] Got 1 new Lifelog free trial signup! Thanks @doubleA ! #lifelog

More fixes from new feedback - changed "Background image" to "Main image", made "choose file" look more like a button #profilepictureapp

Sent invoice of S$1188 for freelance frontend dev work for past 2 weeks #decodingcoding #indiejourney

Sent invoice of S$1188 for freelance frontend dev work for past 2 weeks #decodingcoding #indiejourney

Day 1380 - #OpenToMRR - https://golifelog.com/posts/opentomrr-1728599689413 #lifelog

Sent email to client that unable to conduct 2 face-to-face training workshops in Nov + Jan.. feel more relieved now #outsprint

On nudging by some indie friends, added a Buy Me A Coffee link at footer.. for now, until I figure out other potential monetization opportunities - https://profilepicture.app #profilepictureapp

Day 1379 - Self-own - https://golifelog.com/posts/self-own-1728512916117 #lifelog

Sent S$1000 invoice on Vendors@Gov to SP for online training workshop completed #outsprint

Added 1 new item Sheetgo (https://www.sheetgo.com), a Google Sheets-to-automation platform, to the Directory Starters directory (https://listskit.com/directorystarters) #listskit

Day 1378 - A decade to learn a lesson - https://golifelog.com/posts/a-decade-to-learn-a-lesson-1728428886792 #lifelog

Conducted and co-facilitated a full day design thinking training workshop for SP UXC #outsprint