Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Completed tv slideshow translation project in record time - within a day!

Day 549 - Clutter outside, clutter inside https://cowriters.app/words/clutter-outside-clutter-inside-413415edceadd52e11

Day 548 - Idea: Github for nocode https://cowriters.app/words/idea-github-for-nocode-413075edb8dd7437c1

πŸŽ‰ F**K YEAH! My grant application for Grant Hunt chat bot v2 got approved!!!

Day 547 - What is the biggest small thing I could do today? https://cowriters.app/words/what-is-the-biggest-small-thing-i-could-do-today-412575eda49572842d

Setting up a collab with HOME a migrant worker NGO to translate+illustrate Manpower Ministry's advisories

Applied for SIRS gov handout for self employed/freelancers affected by COVID, because fuck am dry of gigs now

Posted new illustration collection on radiology instructions https://visualaid.sg/projects/radiology-instructions/

Day 546 - My lockdown productivity report card https://cowriters.app/words/my-lockdown-productivity-report-card-412015ed9062b9b117

Day 545 - Wash your bowl https://cowriters.app/words/wash-your-bowl-411655ed7a9e9b950a

Shared link to new construction safety illustrations on ST, Today, SCAL, BCA

Launched new illustrated translations for construction safety measures https://visualaid.sg/projects/interior-construction-safety-and-hygiene-instructions/

Sent invoice to client for designing website mockups on Figma - there's always a first, especially during crisis