Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 544 - Jason's June https://cowriters.app/words/jason-s-june-411215ed65d9854b04

Created prototype of MarketList SG https://marketlistsg.carrd.co/

Day 543 - Dabao Dash: 2 months on, pivot or bust https://cowriters.app/words/dabao-dash-2-months-on-pivot-or-bust-410805ed507c089f16

Scored a UX mockup design gig from an acquaintance yesterday, finished today!

Day 542 - Money May wrap-up: In chaotic situations, act, sense, then respond https://cowriters.app/words/money-may-wrap-up-in-chaotic-situations-act-sense-then-respond-410385ed3acfb49566

Invited volunteers for Humans Of New York style interviews for posting on

Completed interview article for Better.sg about Dabao Dash and nocode tools

Day 541 - Digital ambassadors, safe distancing ambassadors & other intersting new jobs due to COVID https://cowriters.app/words/digital-ambassadors-safe-distancing-ambassadors-other-intersting-new-jobs-due-to-covid-410055ed26107d58e9

Day 540 - If someone could only see my actions and not hear my words, what would they say are my priorities? https://cowriters.app/words/if-someone-could-only-see-my-actions-and-not-hear-my-words-what-would-they-say-are-my-priorities-409705ed10b89545e4

😍🤩😭☕️ OMG a kind friend just bought me 20 coffees on my buymeacoffee account!

Researched latest nocode chatbot platforms for Grant Hunt v2 grant application

Applied for SG Strong grant for Grant Hunt bot v2

Also I am thinking of making a small community for makers in SEA. Had a lot of chats via lunchclub.ai and folks are interested in tinkering side projects. Was jus thinking if there is anything you know of here? Most of the communities are "VC start-up" focused and not indie. Also plenty of folks want to make MVPs with #Nocode but still just starting.


Thats cool! What did you use to build it? Or is just vanilla?


Implemented and then deleted 3rd party popup SaaS https://popupsmart.com/ due to security warning - what a shame, I liked the service, but can't deal with that warning

Set up the infrastructure for free portfolio site for creatives affected by covid https://moppyart.netlify.app

Installed demo import, child theme, Dokan plugin for a friend's multi-vendor marketplace website

Day 539 - Unbundling Carousell & its unusual niches https://cowriters.app/words/unbundling-carousell-its-unusual-niches-409425ecfbf1471062

Installed WP, theme and set up domain for a friend's multi-vendor marketplace website

Created a free covid site for a storytelling volunteer collective https://wtscommunitysg.netlify.app/

Cold messaged 43 property agents on Carousell marketplace to sell sheet2site real estate listing website

Day 538 - Selling where you're also buying https://cowriters.app/words/selling-where-you-re-also-buying-409085ece7bd538b3d