Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

⚗️ Product experiments: Just 1 day in, and new sheet2site gig on Fiverr already had 1 enquiry! Is this a sign?

📝 Day 534 - Worst parts of WFH https://cowriters.app/words/worst-parts-of-wfh-407685ec925bcacdb8

Cross posted 1 F&B's need for delivery on various delivery platforms/groups

Day 533 - Creatives struggling during COVID: I will make a portfolio site for you. For FREE. https://cowriters.app/words/creatives-struggling-during-covid-i-will-make-a-portfolio-site-for-you-for-free-407295ec7dce32a3a1

Contemplating the market demand for a events/wedding Carrd agency, or Sheet2site agency

Product experiments: Created Fiverr gig to build job board using Sheet2Site

Received enquiry from potential client via word-of-mouth from my previous covid-related free work - so altruism does pay? 🤔

Day 532 - Grasp at immediate wins, or delay gratification for bigger wins? https://cowriters.app/words/grasp-at-immediate-wins-or-delay-gratification-for-bigger-wins-406985ec683d6c6e57

👰🏻🤵🏻Created 3 total wedding countdown site demos on Carrd https://weddingcountdown.carrd.co https://weddingcountdownrsvp.carrd.co https://weddingcountdowngallery.carrd.co

Created a wedding countdown site demo for Fiverr gig https://weddingcountdownrsvp.carrd.co/

Carl Poppa 🛸

That's a great idea! Are ppl willing to pay for these?

Jason Leow Author

No idea tbh! That's why trying out on Fiverr now. Do u think there's a market? There's so many wedding site builders out there


Created a UX Conf demo for event countdown timer Fiverr gig https://uxconf.carrd.co

Product experiments: Created a Fiverr gig to make real estate websites using Sheet2site

Product experiments: Created a Fiverr gig to make event countdown timer sites for event planners

Day 531 - Joe Rogan & the generalist's curiosity https://cowriters.app/words/joe-rogan-the-generalist-s-curiosity-406605ec5407036cb9

Day 530 - Outcome mindset vs Systems mindset https://cowriters.app/words/outcome-mindset-vs-systems-mindset-406235ec3dcd3abf80

Finalised gentlemen’s agreement on collaboration with engineering consultancy company in Oman

Uploaded version 2 Screen/Triage collection of illustrated translations, now with Bengali, Tamil, Thai, Burmese, Hindi! https://visualaid.sg/projects/screening-triage/