Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Day 449 - Your foresight is only as far ahead as how far back your hindsight is https://cowriters.app/words/your-foresight-is-only-as-far-ahead-as-how-far-back-your-hindsight-is-374575e590c60c8916

Day 448 - Nocode vs no-code, nocode vs code, & other culture wars https://cowriters.app/words/nocode-vs-no-code-nocode-vs-code-other-culture-wars-374205e57d0fc49e5f

Realised that my interview article is up on Productized Startups website (by Robin Vander Heyden) https://productizedstartups.com/getting-my-first-customer-at-199-creating-jamstack-websites/

Proposed JAMstack to ex-colleague's enquiry about website

Jason Leow Author

Also check out https://stackbit.com - it feels like wordpress but for jamstack!


what's it about*?


Day 447 - Relax, nothing is under control https://cowriters.app/words/relax-nothing-is-under-control-373445e566cba45196

Day 446 - Micro-SaaS & single-feature 'vending machine' web apps https://cowriters.app/words/micro-saas-single-feature-vending-machine-web-apps-373015e55106d0bb31

Sent ad proposal to 4th prospect who enquired organically via the site - WOW what's happening?!

Met ad customers to understand their biz needs. Long 2.5h chat! And got some free butter coffee samples yum!

Day 445 - Diversifying my product portfolio https://cowriters.app/words/diversifying-my-product-portfolio-372515e53cc0437292

Day 444 - Being unhappy is very inefficient https://cowriters.app/words/being-unhappy-is-very-inefficient-371485e512eb694579