Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Got my FIRST testimonial on 🀩 - "SweetJamSites is a pleasure to work with! Jason was incredibly helpful and knowledgable. He held my hand through the entire process and thoroughly answered every single question I had. If you don't know the difference between a URL and a nameserver, and even if you do, I highly recommend working with SweetJamSites to help you get your website up and running! In fact, he even saved me money because I previously paid for hosting, where now the hosting is free. You can't beat that. -Lenny Bron (TheBlogProofreader.com)"

Day 426 - Behind every story of overnight success is a slow grind you never heard https://cowriters.app/words/behind-every-story-of-overnight-success-is-a-slow-grind-you-never-heard-359905e3816b3ea7f7

Jason Leow Author

Thanks! :)

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

Great post!


Day 425 - Little wins https://cowriters.app/words/little-wins-360535e3963e70f439

Jason Leow Author

Yeah, client going to edit the site's copy himself, so still wip ;) thanks for checking it out

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

hey Jason, the LinkedIn and IG links at the footer of https://theblogproofreader.com/ don't lead to your client's LI & IG profiles. Just FYI unless it was intentional :)


Day 425 - Little wins https://cowriters.app/words/little-wins-360535e3963e70f439

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

hey Jason, the LinkedIn and IG links at the footer of https://theblogproofreader.com/ don't lead to your client's LI & IG profiles. Just FYI unless it was intentional :)

Jason Leow Author

Yeah, client going to edit the site's copy himself, so still wip ;) thanks for checking it out


Tweaked React codebase of customer site to include mailto links for buttons

Tweaked React codebase of customer site to include mailto links for buttons

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