Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Added 1 new item Apparencekit (apparencekit.dev) by @mcflyDev on the SaaS Starters directory (listskit.com/saasstarters) #listskit

Day 1198 - Connecting the dots you've been drawing for years - https://golifelog.com/posts/connecting-the-dots-youve-been-drawing-for-years-1712877203609 #lifelog

Added 1 new item SwiftSail (swiftsail.dev) by @maros_petrus to the SaaS Starters directory (https://listskit.com/saasstarters/) #listskit

Prep for content/slidedeck for upcoming ideation workshop with non profit client #outsprint

Day 1197 - Being busy is a form of laziness - https://golifelog.com/posts/being-busy-is-a-form-of-laziness-1712803391310 #lifelog

Day 1196 - 100 days of commits - https://golifelog.com/posts/100-days-of-commits-1712721091150 #lifelog #commit365

Day 1196 - 100 days of commits - https://golifelog.com/posts/100-days-of-commits-1712721091150 #lifelog #commit365

Had an energizing, passionate 2.5h discussion with NHB folks about a new upcoming museum - as part of volunteering for the Digital Advisory Panel #outsprint #socialimpactpatronage

Added 1 new item (dorik.com) to the Directory Starters directory (https://listskit.com/directorystarters) #listskit

Day 1195 - I'm joining the Carrd team - https://golifelog.com/posts/im-joining-the-carrd-team-1712671938039 #lifelog

Day 1195 - I'm joining the Carrd team - https://golifelog.com/posts/im-joining-the-carrd-team-1712671938039 #lifelog

James Kenny

Congrats Jason! That's fantastic news and an excellent opportunity for you. I'm looking forward to following along and seeing where it takes you! πŸ˜€πŸš€


Conducted half day design synthesis workshop for non-profit client #outsprint

Added 1 new item Ainspecthor (https://ainspecthor.com) to the Commit365 directory (https://listskit.com/commit365). #listskit #commit365

Added 1 new item Ainspecthor (https://ainspecthor.com) to the Commit365 directory (https://listskit.com/commit365). #listskit #commit365

Day 1194 - Calm indie hacking - https://golifelog.com/posts/calm-indie-hacking-1712531006962 #lifelog

Added 1 new item Scale to Zero AWS (https://scaletozeroaws.com/) by @javid_abd to the SaaS Starters directory (https://listskit.com/saasstarters/) #listskit

Day 1193 - Build what's missing on a fast-growing platform - https://golifelog.com/posts/build-whats-missing-on-a-fast-growing-platform-1712448691158 #lifelog

Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today - https://jasonleow.substack.com/p/in-my-element #indiejourney #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today - https://jasonleow.substack.com/p/in-my-element #indiejourney #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today - https://jasonleow.substack.com/p/in-my-element #indiejourney #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Added Will It Rain Tomorrow (https://willitraintomorrow.com) by @yuurrific to the Commit365 directory (https://listskit.com/commit365) #listskit #commit365

Added Will It Rain Tomorrow (https://willitraintomorrow.com) by @yuurrific to the Commit365 directory (https://listskit.com/commit365) #listskit #commit365