Lists Kit

A plain HTML, CSS, Javascript boilerplate for info directories / listings

More Lighthouse optimizations - compressed imgs for better perf, tweaked brand color and text, btns color for higher contrast & better a11y, padding fixes, added robots.txt and sitemap.xml for better SEO

Lighthouse optimizations - added lang-"en", added width and height to all imgs, reduced size of hero background-image, added aria-labels to critical anchor links, added lazy loading for all imgs. Should I keep going? 🤔

Fixed sticky footer tag responsiveness, cleaned up pricing table media queries

Added alt text to all tags for better accessibility scores, on landing page and on boilerplates (both main and beta)

Set up Gitbook account for docs, created project (wip) -

Invited 11 beta users (10 on Github, and 1 for manual uploading). Not bad for Day 1. I think I'm cool even if it stays at 11. Good enough for early beta testing

Jason Leow Author

@scholarnetics360 I've been building in public on Twitter, so it's mostly from that. Not much special perks.. just free, unlimited usage of my boilerplate product

Eder Garavito

@jasonleow - awesome! What are your strategies to invite beta users? Perks? Benefits? We're in a similar stage and having some difficulty recruiting users


Style tweaks for hero, image-text, about sections, centered images for image-text section on 480px

Added "Made with Lists Kit" sticky footer button on /demo boilerplate for some product-led growth

Created new private repo for beta test, added readme and invited beta users -

No more procrastination - Opening beta for Lists Kit today. Also think it's time to get external feedback from users because stuck on some things (like copy, code quality, components) that are best solved via user feedback

Eder Garavito

Thank you for the reminder of how important it is for us to remain flexible and build our product around user input and feedback @jasonleow!

Jason Leow Author

Yeah! @scholarnetics360 👍👍


Changed 3D icons of benefits section, moved it further down below demo (since it belongs more to "Outcomes" in "Problem-Agitate-Solution-Outcomes"), edited copy based on twitter feedback

Sent reply for founder interview for Indie Goodies, mentioned Plugins and Lists Kit -

Various style fixes - hide navbar btn, hide placeholder testimonial, changed hero btn and hero sub-text

Added problem, agitate section highlighting the main painpoints and frustrations

Embedded updated demo video on home page using uploaded video on a public repo on Github

TIL you can upload videos to Github and use the raw url to embed on your site! caveat: It's got to be on a public repo, and you got to piece together the raw url yourself like this:

Switched all copy on /demo to demo copy to avoid confusion with home page

Various fixes to bugs, style, copy - updated meta tags, tweaked FAQ, added Netlify forms, tweaked copy, added+linked scroll-to anchor links in navbar

Day 1079 - Problem-agitate-solution-outcome for Lists Kit -