Lex Roman

Helping creatives stay booked with clients via Low Energy Leads and Growthtrackers

Prep Friday's Growth Gym

Working on improving how I run the Growth Gym. Today's session is on my July marketing experiments https://lu.ma/growthgym

Relaunched lexroman.com

Fresh new site: https://lexroman.com
Transition note: https://lexroman.com/guides/transitioning-back-to-lex-roman

Old site was Squarespace 7.0 (extremely dated looking) and now I'm using Framer (hard to learn but made it through :P). If anyone freelances in Framer, hit me up! I'm gonna need help
Lex Roman Author

Thank you @poppacalypse!!! Much appreciated

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

i know a Framer expert on twitter https://twitter.com/beaulawsonco


New homepage

Working it up here! https://lexroman.framer.website/

Host first Growth Gym

Weekly livestream I'm trying out in July on YouTube and LinkedIn

Plan this week's podcast ep on 5 reasons not to create a lead magnet

Experiment recap: Week ending July 8

πŸ““*Context:* This week was focused on wrapping up last week's doors open for my Growthtrackers membership and onboarding new members with some minor content tests for my podcast Low Energy Leads.

🎯*Goal:* Onboard 4 new members, re-onboard 1 returning member, ship 1 podcast ep/newsletter
πŸ“Š*Achieved:* 5 members onboarded, 1 podcast ep/newsletter shipped

Success of onboarding will be more clear later on in their first month. I will need to keep up with new and current members to ensure they are getting what they need

[WON-Change from last week] Experiment 1: Book 1:1s with interested members
- Channel: Waitlist and DM conversations
- Audience: Interested prospective members from waitlist or those who DM me
- Message: Book a 1:1 to share your goals and learn whether or not GT can help
- Results: Two 1:1s booked, both became members
- Why: These 1:1s were offered to people who were great fits for Growthtrackers so lessons learned here is more about audience than channel. These 1:1 conversations have illuminated some gaps in my public messaging I need to address re: founders not having their teams to support their goals, awareness of what/why experiment but not how without a team, etc

[NO GOAL SET] Experiment 2: This week's podcast ep on Google Analytics
- Channel: Youtube, Spotify, Apple
- Audience: existing listeners, my email list
- Message: "Why I still hate Google Analytics and what you can use instead for website analytics"
- Results: 37 views, 8m avg view, 2 new subs (YouTube), 5 listeners, 50% episode listen (Apple), 28 plays (Spotify)
- Why: This episode is probably not the top question my audience is asking. I don't know if a different phrasing of the video would have helped. I got more comments on it on YT than I normally do but that's not saying much. Need to consider more topical questions my audience is thinking about.

[LOST] Experiment 3: This week's email on Google Analytics
- Channel: Email list
- Audience: Email list
- Message: AB tested "Looking for an alternative to Google Analytics?" vs "Why I still hate Google Analytics and what you can use instead" which was inconclusive but Beehiiv choose the latter because slightly higher open on it.
- Results: 44.7% open rate, 11.3% click rate (I'm aiming for over 50% open rate. I tanked my open rate in switching to Beehiiv and need to get it back up to 50-60%, will likely run a list clean sometime in July)
- Why: Again, I don't think my audience cares about this on the whole. I get asked about it a lot which is why I made the episode but I probably need to stick to more sales-closing stuff.

[NEEDS MORE INFO] Experiment 4: Newsletter partnership with Raj
- Channel: My email list
- Audience: My email list
- Message: "I recently met personal branding photographer Raj Bandyopadhyay and loved his story-based approach to attracting clients. Sounds cool right? Raj put together this quick guide to help you Uncover Your Unique Brand Story."
- Results: 11 unique clicks (3.6% CTR on opens)
- Why: This is the top link in every email so it always gets the most clicks pretty much. Will have to check in with Raj to see how it did on his side. It was a free download.

[STILL RUNNING] Experiment 5: LMC Banner ad to podcast
- Channel: Like Minded Collective
- Audience: Members of LMC (women small business owners)
- Message: Listen to Low Energy Leads
- Results: 5 unique clicks in over a month, 2.5m visit duration
- Why: Has to be the message/CTA - need to fix and run a different creative in July

[STILL RUNNING] Experiment 6: Sponsoring copywriting podcast
- Channel: Copywriting podcast
- Audience: Freelance copywriters who listen to the podcast
- Message: "Ever heard "test your marketing" but have no idea how to do that? Social, Google, cold pitches, newslettersβ€”marketing can be an exhausting grind! What if you knew how to choose the best channels for your business? IntroducingΒ Growthtrackers: a membership for creative business owners who want to stay booked with less energy. Take charge of your leads when you learn how to find your get booked formula. Become aΒ GrowthtrackerΒ atΒ supereasydigital.com/growthtrackers. Use code XXXXXX"
- Results: 1 click, 0s visit duration, probably a test (from their blog, hard to track people who came without a click)
- Why: This just started airing so waiting for results on this for a bit.

Thinking about going into next week:
1) Continuous onboarding for Growthtrackers
2) Reconnecting with less active Growthtrackers
3) Revamping my affiliate program
4) Running the first Growth Gym

Publish Episode 9 of the Low Energy Leads Show

Ep 9 - Why I still hate Google Analytics and what you can use instead
Schalk Neethling

100% Agree - πŸ‘

Schalk Neethling

Great episode! I appreciate the time you took to clearly show the difference and why you most likely do not need Google Analytics in your life.


Goal achieved: 5 members for June/July launch of

Previous update where we were at 1/5: https://getmakerlog.com/tasks/431182
4 new members
1 returning member

Coming up with a new livestream idea that allows people to get a taste of

Lex Roman Author

This event is fully formed for its first test! https://www.linkedin.com/events/7082179687602401280/comments/


Record Episode 9: Google Analytics v Plausible, Fathom and Pirsch

Schalk Neethling

Will have a listen and let you know once I have installed and tried it out. Thanks for the ping.

Schalk Neethling

Oh nice! Let me know when this is live. I am going to install Fathom on my own little DigitalOcean droplet and use it for my blog to see how that works out.


Wrap up June launch

- Finished all calls and open houses
- Awaiting final membership count for this round (projected to be 5)

Growthtrackers Launch Week: Complete four 1:1 calls with interested members

🎯 5 new members

Experiment recap: Week ending July 1

πŸ““*Context:* I run a membership called Growthtrackers and I did a live launch this week (doors opened Monday and closed Friday). I have done 3 launches which have all resulted in at least 5 new members. This launch went the worst.

🎯*Goal:* Get 5 new members
πŸ“Š*Achieved:* 1 new member

[LOST] Experiment 1: Running a challenge -> sell membership
- Channel: Referrals from members and affiliates AND Growthtrackers waitlist
- Audience: Referrals of members and affiliates
- Message: Try out Growthtrackers with a sales challenge week and learn how to close more sales
- Results: 7 people paid for challenge, 1 became member
- Why: The challenge was both too much value and also did not highlight the value of the program. Participants left with value but lack of clarity on how Growthtrackers would build on that.

[INCONCLUSIVE] Experiment 2: Book 1:1s with interested members
- Channel: Waitlist and DM conversations
- Audience: Interested prospective members from waitlist or those who DM me
- Message: Book a 1:1 to share your goals and learn whether or not GT can help
- Results: 2 - 1:1s booked, not yet held
- Why: My assumption is that more people did not book because they thought it was too much pressure/would feel pressure to buy. This is my assumption bc of experiment 3

[WON] Experiment 3: Open Houses for interested members
- Channel: Waitlist, DM conversations, Instagram stories
- Audience: Interested prospective members from waitlist or those who DM me
- Message: Come to an open house to learn about Growthtrackers
- Results: 3 registrants, 2 attendees, no member conversions
- Why: People felt no pressure with "open house" language. I have held these in the past with many more attendees (10-20) and they have converted to members in the past. I announced them late/promoted them alongside other CTAs so I didn't get the reg count. The people who attended were "buy ready" but were probably not great fits for what Growthtrackers offers. Win is the open house model.

[LOST] Experiment 4: Launch email sequence
- Channel: Email
- Audience: Waitlist plus anyone who attended a webinar or bought low cost in last couple months (about 100 subs)
- Email 1: "Growthtrackers find new clients faster...here's how! 🚀" [60% open, 5%CTR]
- Email 2: "Most marketing programs say "results not typical" but not Growthtrackers" [57% open, 6% CTR]
- Email 3: "Are you using fast or slow marketing plays?" [55% open, 2% CTR]
- Email 4: "The results you can expect from Growthtrackers πŸ’Ž" [58% open, 8% CTR] (sent to most active subs from Emails 1-3, around 36 subs)
- Email 5: "Last call! Doors close tonight" [54% open, 0% CTR]
- Why: Honestly, no idea. Many of these emails have worked in the past. BUT they were always paired with a live event. Since I did the challenge, I didn't have time to prep another event or advertise the open houses much so that could have been the miss here.

[WON] Experiment 5: Facebook ads
- Channel: Facebook ads
- Audience: US based, 30-55yr old, creative entrepreneurs, excluding anyone who's bought anything from me
- Message: I ran several ads. Most popular "Followers vs buyers" video, second most popular "Stop waiting on clients" video, nothing else was really served because those two were so well performing
- Results: Highest performing video got 10k+ impressions, 7.4k reach, 952 clicks (0.16 cost per click)- total spend $152
Second best performing got 1.2k impressions, 1.1k reach, 34 clicks (0.45 cost per click) - total spend $15
Second best performing went into a lead campaign and I got 6 DMs from that, no conversions beyond that
- Why: So I'm calling this a win because these are my best performing traffic ads by a longshot. They didn't map that well to Growthtrackers/were too early for these folks to convert but they drove over 200 unique visits to the landing page. Will re-run with more thoughtful pathways.

Growthtrackers Launch Week: Host 2 open houses

🎯 5 new members

Growthtrackers Launch Week: Send at least 4 emails to the waitlist and adjacent segments

🎯 5 new members

Growthtrackers Launch Week: Follow up with everyone who clicks through or shares interest 1:1

🎯 5 new members

Sent weekly newsletter

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