Pick up final investment check
Fix issue with new account being mixed with my personal account
Weekly standup
Toy with new monorepo setup idea
Sprint 2 planning
Get taxes taken care of
Meet with accountant
Ditch turbo repo in monorepos with a custom runner
Too many damn issues, Vercel is been annoying lately too so the less of their stuff I use, the better.
Pick up next check from investor
Respond to consulting request email
Respond to consulting request with clarification on some points.
Deal with payroll issues
Complete first standup at
Take down AWS EKS cluster
Get Square Payroll setup
Let someone else handle paying us.
Start the dissolution process for Primcloud, Inc (DE)
Start the dissolution process for Nifty Development, LLC (DE)
Start the registration process for NiftyCo LLC (IA)
If you're going for traditional VC, but it's a host of issues for other stuff. We have no intentions of accepting traditional VC investments for the holding company. If a VC is interested in investing with one of the products, we'll spin it out into its own LLC which would be in Delaware. But the holding company is better for us to be here, especially when it comes to paying W2 for me and my employee (both here in Iowa)
Spend most of day working with Daniel on his project
Plan for next weeks workload
Meet with investor to give status update on company progress
Have call with someone asking to get my input and feedback.
Started offering my services of helping people brainstorm and figure out problems they just can't quite understand. Just had the first and it went great!