Finish first word of the week post
Going up on the first Sunday of December
Start first vocubulary sunday post
It will post as word of the week, at the same time playing around with how I want to format this.
Working on vocabulary sunday content
Social media managing
Edit ad placements on website
hopefully this helps with revenue
Choose vocabulary words through random generator
I chose 104 words; this covers an estimated two years worth of once-a-week content. The first word will be Paraffin; it's a highly versatile material used for many things, so it will be nice to start with the name of the mag itself.
Start list of words for Vocabulary Sunday
Brainstorm for Vocabulary Sunday
Deciding how I'm going to structure these articles, going further than just adding a word with its definition, I'm going to add artists and artworks that are related to the term I add each week. Hopefully making it a little more interesting than just having a word thrown out there, you get a little more information on how it relates to art and how it is used.
Automatic article upload
The first time these go up without any uploading errors, sigh of relief*
Social media managing
Review English Article
Schedule Spanish Article
Edit Spanish Article
Brainstorm content ideas
Interviews, creating the transcripts and generating artist articles take time, so I'll be trying to add art related content to the website to boost traffic. In December "word of the week" starts, an art term will be defined every Sunday and it will be accompanied examples from famous artworks for visual aids.
I should be able to make content up in advance and have several weeks/months of it scheduled at a time
I should be able to make content up in advance and have several weeks/months of it scheduled at a time