
It's reliable uptime and performance monitoring for your WebSite or Service. Receive alerts when your website or API is down through emails, Slack or SMS, integrated with real time data and insights

Added new monitoring locations: Iowa (US), London (UK), Sydney (AU).

Improvement to make accurate uptime metric. We did't count some random errors on Uptime Metric Calculation.

Simplify on-boarding: After registration immediately start monitoring user website

ProductHunt release: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/apichecker πŸš€πŸ’ͺ

Open API for possible integration with https://uptimebar.app and for CI/CD integration as well

Improved landing page colors and font's by suggestions from Reddit

Implemented new feature for Keyword Verifying on health-check response. Feature requested by user from Reddit.

Started active marketing for ApiChecker.com. Posted information about product on: Reddit, HW, Indiehackers.

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