personal website

implement sitemap generator and push to prod ๐ŸŽ‰

finish Tools page

I listed all the tools and tech I use in a single webpage to link them to corresponding articles published on Sustainable Web Dev. It will perhaps help drive some traffic.

work on new design

Install the new repository, pick a color palette, and keep working on the Figma wireframe.

design new logo with Figma

Basile Samel Author

damn, you're right

Basile Samel Author

I just googled it and apparently they went through the same thought process haha


play with AMP and snowpack configs

AMP is disappointing at best. The time-to-interactive is nowhere near as fast, nor the bundle size as lightweight as a Svelte equivalent.
I managed to implement SSG with Snowpack + Rollup and reduce the bundle time by tens of seconds though. I need to see how it scales to hundreds of static webpages, but the developer experience is muuuuch nicer and the bundle config is 90% smaller.