
Track habits, explore outer space!

Complete the super-bare-minimal flow for Tried to expo eject and install to my phone, but failed due to some error with the splash screen :(

Wire up the database and have a very naive implementation of recording

Wired up simple SQLite queries for app

Can optimize some parts with joins and aggregation, but the ORM I'm using is quite basic so I'll KISS for now (n+1 shouldn't be too big an issue given it's localised to a mobile device)

Mucking around with AsyncStorage for Golly I didn't realise how much I'd miss an ORM. If anyone has advice on storing data in an offline app on React Native, please help!

Basic layout and interactions dashboard in React Native

Dane Lyons

I don't currently use a habit tracking app but I am thinking about using Maker Log for habit tracking.

Nicholas Author

Thanks for the feedback! The flash occurs on click, not on focus :)


Restart work on

Inspired by (of all things) Pokemon GO, I'm trying to give a little more incentive to building habits. The backstory: you're in a spaceship powered by habits - the more you achieve, the more planets you'll discover!
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