
A feed of cute and funny pet images/gifs.

InstaPets Timelapse Part 13:

Made Update Likes to be done as an atomic operation using Firestore transactions

InstaPets Timelapse Part 12:

Added "likes" to the schema to build out the "like post" functionality

Verified the feed and upload functionality is still working on production

Trying to fix issue with mutation not updating the local cache anymore

Got alias path working so don't have to keep doing a bunch of "../../../" to refer to files

InstaPets Timelapse Part 11:

Added updates to local data so that the post is visible on the feed after the upload

Added GraphQL Mutation for creating the post in Firestore after the image upload

InstaPets Timelapse Part 10:

Couldn't get GraphQL mutation working for uploading files, so just used axios to directly upload the image to Cloudinary

InstaPets Timelapse Part 9:

InstaPets Timelapse Part 8:

Added automatically generated Typescript types for schema using graphql-code-generator

InstaPets Timelapse Part 7:

Got the client app working with Apollo to retrieve data from Firestore

Couldn't get autocomplete for GraphQL types in a .vue file for my schema, so using a separate .ts file for just the query

Set up proper dev enviroment for Lambda + Gateway with Serverless offline plugin