
Learn programming by solving bugs in a full stack software application. Learn Python, JavaScript, Databases, Git and even deployment to a Linux host.

(task) [WIP] Ansible playbooks for vbox local (task) Ansible playbooks for deployment (task) nginx and gunicorn configs

(task) WIP Account, Login screens (task) WIP Zustand based global store

Sumit Datta Author

I wanna write about my use of Zustand now that I have covered a good deal of application with it


(task) Added a discount stay list in homepage (task) Description, features, location and reviews sections in Stay detail

(task) UI updates to the homepage (task) Layout changes in the small boxes for home listing (task) Top mantle in homepage (task) Carousel large in top mantle in stay view page

(task) Setting up the webapp skeleton for a simple Airbnb clone to teach programming :)

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