🌞 The Studio

We are an online creative studio. A non profit design, dev & crypto community with 950 members. We are here to help. Please make yourself at home here in our warm community 🌞🏑 You can a bit more on our site http://TheStudio.io and also here is my site with my story : http://DaveCraige.com

First thing THURS morning - Help send out the next edition of the newsletter!

Please send Sarah the writer $6 as a tip for her great work! Tell her thanks for all her awesome writing work.

βœ‰οΈ Next episode of the newsletter from Sarah sent out!

Celebrate all the doctors you connected with! Please go to Jollibee and have a great meal soon! Feel free to take a friend as well. Send Dave the receipt so he can re-inburse you.

Please pay Carren 150 PHP by Paypal and then send her a message with a screenshot.

Celebrate 2,000 people contacted! Please go to Jollibee and have a great meal soon! Feel free to take your daughter as well. Send Dave the receipt so he can re-inburse you.

Let's do a review and see how much we paid for each person to get an email.

Pay Jomar 1 hour of work. Send the screenshot to Dave and Jomar in our group Discord chat.

Find more emails for 2 hours. (No need to write their addresses)

Please mark down all the emails that didn't go through on the Google spreadsheet. Then archive them from the Gmail account.

Please write up responses to the different emails that we received from doctors but don't send them. Just keep them in drafts.

Please write an open letter in the CWD document to medical professionals thanking them for their service.

Please reach out to Marina over Twitter DM's and ask her if she has any updates for the next newsletter.

Please spend 1 more hour of finding emails and we pay you with Upwork.

Please ping Anri and get his Paypal address and then you can send him $4