The QUIQQER ERP module bundles all QUIQQER modules which you need for a ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. It is your central point to successfully realize your project. The ERP system transforms QUIQQER into a fully-fledged e-commerce shop or into your invoice management. Start your e-business now.

🐞 fix: GroupList field type -> correctly validate if not restricted to QUIQQER groups

🐞 fix: added recalc to the ArticleList; fix: double set of user and currency considered

🐞 fix: added recalc to the ArticleList; fix: double set of user and currency considered

⌨️ Merge branch 'dev' of https://dev.quiqqer.com/quiqqer/products into dev

⌨️ Merge branch 'dev' of dev.quiqqer.com:quiqqer/products into dev

🐞 fix: remove wrong double formating in price factor displaying

🐞 fix: do not show 'Package not exist' error when opening a category site in backend and quiqqer/productstags is not installedfeat: getInstalledProductPackages ajax function to retrieve all installed (but not necessarily required) packages of the quiqqer/products ecosystem

🐞 fix: clear reset pricesfactors and calculation flag, too -> ProductList

🐞 fix: package_quiqqer_products_ajax_categories_list -> initialize result array

⌨️ Merge branch 'dev' of https://dev.quiqqer.com/quiqqer/order into dev