The QUIQQER ERP module bundles all QUIQQER modules which you need for a ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. It is your central point to successfully realize your project. The ERP system transforms QUIQQER into a fully-fledged e-commerce shop or into your invoice management. Start your e-business now.

⌨ refactor: separate search cache field for product description; use specific serch cache fields for title, description and productNo for backendsearch

⌨ refactor: add exception log in package_quiqqer_products_ajax_products_update

🚀 feat: if product is variant, than no add basket button is available in the product lists

🚀 feat: package/quiqqer/products/bin/controls/products/Select -> productTypes option

🐞 fix: Variant Panel has now the possibility to open the variant child directly

🚀 feat: consider Variant Children in the Product Search - its now possible to select or unselect it

🚀 feat: Generate Variants -> UX -> fold and unfold selection lists

🐞 fix: int and numeric value check at attribute group selection fixed

🚀 feat: consider addField and removeField at VariantParent -> consideres VariantChildren

🐞 Merge branch 'dev' of https://dev.quiqqer.com/quiqqer/products into dev

Fajar Siddiq



🐞 fix: check for valid product ids in getVisitedProducts ajax method

🚀 feat: added new calc flag Calc::CALCULATION_COMPLETE -> pricaefactor are able to set a product price, now

🚀 feat: added new calc flag Calc::CALCULATION_COMPLETE -> pricaefactor are able to set a product price, now