The all around carefree Enterprise Content Management System. Modular design. Convenient backend Fast implementation.

fix: rename project -> prevent renaming of wrong project config ini sections

fix: rename project -> prevent renaming of wrong project config ini sections

refactor: if user mail will be changed, it will set it to the default address, too + locale cleanup

Merge branch 'dev' of https://dev.quiqqer.com/quiqqer/quiqqer into dev

fix: Upload file -> correctly transmit custom file parameters to server

refactor: if user mail will be changed, it will set it to the default address, too + locale cleanup

fix: duplicate parameter error on edit param quiqqer/package-cron style: code style

Merge branch 'dev' of https://dev.quiqqer.com/quiqqer/quiqqer into dev

fix: Upload file -> correctly transmit custom file parameters to server