Software engineer - maker of things
Pushed 2 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:pencil: updated the docs and upgraded vuepress
changed chartbrew feature pricing and made the signup and payment smoother
:bug: fixed crash when the user joins a team with no connections
Pushed 6 changes to chartbrew-cloud
ready for taking down some tasks ☕
:lipstick: removed the raised style from the settings segments
:wrench: setting the app version env var in development
added support for 3D secure payments
Pushed 7 changes to chartbrew-cloud
Pushed 1 change to chartbrew-cloud
:green_heart: increased the version of the cache
:package: updated the build script to set the client version env var
Pushed 16 changes to chartbrew-cloud
finished last uni assignment...free at last
ready for a new work day ☕
second surfing lesson 🏄♂️
:rotating_light: removed linter error
:lipstick: updated instructions for IP whitelisting when setting up db connections
:arrow_up: upgraded server dependencies
:lipstick: added a discord link to the user menu
more optimisation changes at
big performance improvements