Software engineer - maker of things
make a short video about embedding live charts in blog posts
:wrench: Added vscode settings for ESLint
Pushed 2 changes to chartbrew-cloud
Remake the presentation video on the homepage
productivity stream no. 3
Pushed 9 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:bookmark: Up the version to 1.0.0-beta.3 and change docs
sent call for help with testing to the data viz class at uni
re-designed user dashboard
:lipstick: Updated the design of the user dashboard
:bug: Fixes Removed automatic scroll as it was breaking the layout
:bug: Fixes Solved issue with the crash on edit connection
changed the look of the docs 📝
:package: updated mongoose and nodemailer in the server code
:lipstick: Added a create chart button in the dashboard
:pencil: Changed docs theme and changed the structure slightly
Pushed 10 changes to chartbrew-cloud
:pencil: Updated the circleci badge link
now caching data while editing so it speeds up the process
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: merging feature/caching
Caching data from requests to avoid making repeated calls during the Chart creation