
Curated remote ruby jobs in one place.

Job approvals

It's crazy how rubyonremote is growing.

Never have I ever thought that a company like DNSimple would post a job, let alone know our site.
Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ



investigate collection caching bug

for some reason, some of the jobs don't display company logo because of an invalid cache

Job approvals

Fun fact, a company called bebanjo is where I wanted to work really bad in 2018 and I didn't get the job. So I had started rubyonremote back then to help my job search.

2022 BeBanjo is using RubyonRemote to hire ☺️

deal with some spam posting, increased hcaptcha difficulty

dealing with some spam posters in

added an automated cleaner of spam job posts.

adding a company data enrichment robot to

Basically scrapping Crunchbase/YC Companies/Twitter to add more metadata :-p